Friday, October 28, 2011

Beta #3 Results - October 28th, 2011

I had beta #3 drawn this morning, and already got the results back!  My RE's nurse really is awesome.  Today it was 395, which is fantastic!  That means it was just a little higher increase than doubling in 48 hours.  Woohoo!  I do have to go back again on Monday though (boooo).  And once it gets over 1100, they will schedule the ultrasound.  If all goes right, it will be around 1200 on Monday.  I thought they would wait until I was 6 weeks along to do the first ultrasound, because then they would have a higher probability to see the heartbeat.  So I'm not sure when they will schedule the ultrasound for - if it's the next day or a week out or what once it reaches that 1100 mark.  Because last time was so filled with uncertainty and fear of miscarriage and then ectopic, everything was just a whirlwind to me.  This time it feels much calmer, much more scheduled than last time.  At least it has since Wednesday.  Heh.  I am feeling so much more confident now though - I am no longer overcome by fear of losing this pregnancy.  I feel quite confident at this point that sometime around the first week of July, we will be meeting one healthy little baby (c'mon boy!).  This IVF process sure hasn't been what I expected it to be and it didn't feel like I expected it to feel, but we are on our way to the end goal.  And that feels pretty darn good.


Just T said...

When you say that the IVF wasnt what you expected, is it better or worse than you thought? I would love your input on this. Oh before I forget, congrats on the Beta!

pixnlil said...

Toni - Sorry to say, but it was totally worse than I expected. I don't know why, but I thought that I would have more confidence going through the process. I felt a lot more lost and worried through it than I thought I would. And then being completely awake and aware during the ER was HORRIBLE and just set the tone for me feeling miserable for days afterwards. Most people are knocked out for it though - check with your RE or nurse when you talk to them to make sure, but I'll bet you will be knocked out or in a 'twilight sleep', which I've heard is just as good. Anyway - the pain and bloating afterwards was horrible too, and I really didn't expect it to be that bad since my E2 wasn't that high (for some reason, high E2 and OHSS are positively correlated, so you will have an idea if you will get it before ER). Then the worry and stress of the embryo fertilization and growth, and then super stress over the decision whether to transfer 1 or 2 and what to do with the weaker one that we knew wouldn't make it to freeze. Then not feeling pregnant at all, but getting that very early BFP. Then the low beta, etc etc. It's just been a really rough few months through the process, but ultimately, it did bring us our BFP and so far, so good. So, it's a tough decision to make, and I would totally recommend trying an IUI or two with progesterone supplementation first if you can swing it, because the difference between IUI and IVF is huge, IMO. Here's one way to look at it - you know how invasive and stressful IUIs feel versus trying naturally? IVF feels as much of a step up the invasive and stress ladder from IUI and IUI is from trying naturally. But we do whatever it takes to get our kiddos in the end. Hope that helps!

Just T said...

Im glad you were being honest, lol. We have a few more months to hopefully mentally and physcially prepare :) Side note: I will beg and plead to be knocked out during the ER! Is it protocol for your RE not to put patients in twilight phase or knock them out?

AwesomeCloud and family said...

Your description of your IVF experience was worse than I'd expected, too... so, yeah, I'm with you on that. I'd take a bad experience in China any day. (Then again, I really like China, even on a bad day, as long as I'm not getting arrested or anything.)

Just T said...

Waiting to hear about your BETA results from Monday. Keep on rising!